Herbst und Winter 2024 Skateboard Program
Friday Night Skateboard Session at Bimano.
(Zentweg 1A)
Jeden Freitag!!
(17:30-19 uhr)
30 sfr pro session: Eintritt und Skateboard
Girls ONLY
Skateboard Nacht
(Zentweg 1A Bern)
Jeden Montag!
(17:30 bis 19:00 uhr)
30 sfr pro session Skateboard und Eintritt inbegriffen
Mehr Info:
denn Fieren mit ein Profi Skater mit Skateboard Lektion, Challenges, Spiel, und geschenk!!
1.5 std
CHF 120- (Group)
Anmelden mit Glen:
077 411 2855
Session I.
Freitag 18 October - 8 Nov 2024
Session II.
Mittwoch 13 Nov - 4 Dec 2024
Preis - 99 CHF
Zeit - 19 bis 20 30 Uhr
Skateboard, Schutz inbegriffen
Eintritt ist 8 CHF
Lets Skate

Proudly Sponsored by

GIRLS ONLY Skateboard Night
Wo: Bimano (Zentweg 1A) Bern
Wann: Jeden Montag
Zeit: 17:30-19 Uhr
Alter: 7-15j
Kostet: 30 sfr (eintritt inbegriffen)
Anmelden: glen_charnoski@yahoo.com
Tel: 077 411 28 55
Friday Night "Skateboard, Spiel, und Spass"
Skateboard Session:
Wo: Bimano (Zentweg 1A) Bern
Wann: Jeden Freitag
Zeit: 17:30:-19:00
Cost: 30- (Skateboard, Eintritt, snack, und sirupli inbegriffen!)
Contact Glen at:
Tel: 077 411 28 55
Private Skateboard Lesson
* Best for 6- yr olds and total Beginners!!
Kostet: 70 sfr (mit Eintritt, Skateboard, und Snack/drink)
Treffpunkt: Bimano.
Kontact Glen fur Zeit und Info
Erwachsene Skateboard Kurse​
Session I. Fri 18 Oct bis 8 Nov (4 Sessions)
Session II. Wed 13 Nov bis 4 Dec (4 Sessions)
Zeit 19 bis 20 30 Uhr
Preis 99 CHF
Skateboard und Schutz inbegriffen

Small Title

We at LETS SKATE Skateboarding School offer classes and camps that teach kids the thrill, fun, excitement, and creativity of skateboarding in a fun and relaxed way.
Many Children do not enjoy and thrive in Team Sports, like soccer. Many quit these types of sports due to loss of interest and boredom resulting from too little participation. The strict rules, overzealous parents and coaches, uniforms, little creativity, and pressure to win the game also contributes to children quitting these sports.
Our Skateboarding Program offers kids an alternative to team sports. There is no pressure to “win” and perform for someone else in our program. After introducing all aspects of skateboarding and practise under close support and supervision, our skate classes offer students the power to choose what aspect of skateboarding they want to pursue during the course, giving confidence in oneself and high self esteem.
Skateboarding presents students with “real life” challenges that can be used in everyday situations. (Overcoming fear, increasing confidence, working with others to solve a problem, being aware of others and our environment, working hard to achieve something meaningful, developing friendships, etc.)
We have experienced Staff, who skate and teach well, dedicated to our #1 goal: Teaching kids skating in a fun and safe environment!

We play games to add fun while learning

We add "Funtests" (instead of contests) to show others what you can do and to earn prizes and recognition!

Personalized attention to each skater to maximize interest and learning
We go swimming in Summer!! And play Football at Weyermannshaus bad.

We decorate our griptape with paint markers!
We learn about skateboard repair and maintenance
We learn about local skateparks and skateshops in Switzerland
We meet new friends that we can skate with every week!
15% Gutschein at #1 Doodah Skateshop, our sponsor!